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Diamond Hands Markiii in his own words.

Get to know the man behind the influencer.

This week I had the privilege of interviewing an NFT influencer and spaces host Marcos Rodriguez or better known as Diamond Hands Markiii (@3striiipezmarco). Diamond Hands Markiii is 27 years old, comes from Puerto Rico and is currently living in Florida.

He is a new brand of what I would call positive influencers. Extremely encouraging, supportive and charismatic, draws attention by the way he presents himself and has shown real talent in creating and hosting an up-and-coming twitter space the Family Cookout.

Imagine this, you are in your backyard, with your closest friends and family, having the meat on the grills, drinks all around the table. That is how the space makes you feel. Except the people around you are NFT project owners and NFT enthusiasts, all sitting together and discussing their projects. Everyone is made to feel welcome, not only by being a part of it, but also to come up and share the stage to speak.

Only 4 episodes in, and the cookout has become a popular space bringing a mix of laughs, entertainment, family spirit, generous giveaways and valuable NFT knowledge for anyone joining. It Is rapidly building a loyal audience and after personally joining all the spaces since the start, I can see why.

The positive vibe in the space is infectious. You won’t be surprised to see hearts flying around all night in support of anyone speaking. One of the most important things is, you will get real value. You learn so much about what is hot in the NFT space and how projects are evolving.

I was excited to learn more about the man behind the twitter personal profile picture (PFP), and here he is in his own words.

What is living in Florida like?

Living in Florida is honestly chill, you know this is a kind of a state that you can do anything you want. We have a bunch of outdoor activities like the beaches, rivers, parks. But I honestly wish there was more scenery involved, all you can look at is trees driving down the road it gets boring lol.

As a positive influencer, you give motivation to others, but what motivates you every day?

Honestly, it’s the daily people I interact with in my in real life (IRL) life and Web3. Literally I mean family is everything to me. So, if I consider you family then you are my motivation to get up every morning and give it my all! Without you all I wouldn’t have started this journey.

How did you get into NFTs and Web3?

I originally got into crypto because I was trying to change my life and make some extra money doing it. It was January of 2021, and I bought some Dogecoin. Then made some good money later on with it and sparked my interested in what was going on in these ecosystems. Eventually found out about NFTs and got into the ETH ecosystem. I didn’t have much money at the time and gas fees were just killing me. Eventually I did my research and came across Solana in OCT time frame. And minted my first project I believe around that time frame and been stuck here ever since.

What gave you the idea for the Family Cookout Twitter space?

I want to change the meta for influencers as I always say. You really don’t know who is behind the PFP you see everybody following so I want to change that and build actual relationships with people in web3 while also being able to put smiles on people’s faces and give them value for following me. So, I decided to name the space family cookout because that’s the exact type of vibes I wanted to bring, positive, loving, and fun vibes. While also listening to projects talk about themselves and vibe out with the community.

How do you normally prepare for your spaces?

To be honest, I talk to myself in my head, I tell myself exactly how I want the space to be and to remind myself to have fun doing it and just enjoy it. All while listening to some hype music getting me hyped up for the event so I come with some energy and the audience can feel it!

I love the space personally, how do you feel the reception to the space has been in the first 3 episodes?

I think it’s been amazing and better than anything I could have imagined. I remember when I first was trying to figure out how to set my space up, only had 3-5 people supporting me and showing up. Now, we are having a constant 30-50 people show up and that just motivates me to go even harder. And I mean we have had people come up and say how much they loved them. This is only the beginning.

What’s the biggest thing you have learnt so far from hosting?

That you can do anything you put your mind into. I mean look at me, a couple months ago you would have never expected me to be doing something like this, I’ve always been the quiet chill person and now to be put in front of people has been a journey and lesson. Can’t wait to see how far I can take it.

The family cookout is growing quick, what is your main goal for the space going into the future?

My main goal for the space to really spread, attract attention so people can remember to have fun again. That there are really positive people in this ecosystem that can help each other build and succeed together. It doesn’t have to be a solo mission for anybody, we all are in this together and that’s what I want to remind everyone.

What is your favourite Solana project right now and why?

To be honest, ever since I got into Solana NFTs my dream was always to have an OG Stoned Ape Crew. I loved their community vibes and the way they were building something completely different. But I won’t lie to you, I loved the vibes Meta Tattoo Club has had and the support they have given to their supporters. So, at the moment I would say MTC is my favourite up and coming project building currently but SAC will always have my heart.

If you had a magic wand, what would you change about NFT twitter?

The negativity, FUD, and the influencers that really aren’t providing any real value to their followers, they are just trying to pump and dump on their followers and chase the money, they do not care about their followers.

Why are NFTs the future?

NFTs are the future just for the fact that it is still early. We are really early in this space, and it has so much potential to grow and succeed. So many different utilities that we can bring into IRL value. I’m telling you it’s crazy and it’s possible. And you won’t know until you dive in but me personally, I’m here for the long run. So excited for what the future has in store.

Just like in his spaces Diamond Hands Markiii emanates positive energy, comes across extremely thoughtful and captivating when answering the questions. What do I personally think of the future for Markiii and his Family Cookout? Well, I feel one of his own quotes would sum it up perfectly here to say, “this is only the beginning.” See you all at the next Family Cookout. You would be crazy to miss it.

You can find out more about Diamond Hands Markiii below:

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