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Elon Musk Twitter takeover finally complete. Win for Web3?

After months of wrangling in the background with lawyers, the takeover is finalised. Great news for Web3?

Elon Musk's fight for freedom of speech on social media is finally over. He now has full control of #twitter and has started his tenure as the owner of Twitter by clearing up the house starting with the board.

Is this a win for Web3? Well we know Elon is very involved with Dogecoin, with some speculation that the cryptocurrency will become a form of payment on twitter for things like tipping.

There has been some controversy already. Of course there will be, when has Elon not attracted controversy with every single one of his decisions put under the microscope in the eyes of the world. Some celebrities have started to leave twitter. Good riddance.

The same celebrities who find the idea that bringing people like Donald Trump back appalling are the same ones silent at the knowledge that the Iranian dictator Ayotollah Kameni is allowed to use the platform.

Another form of controversy are plans that Musk might start charging a fee suspected to be $8 per month for users of the platform, or at least for having a verified account. Would you pay to use twitter for $8 per month and be verified? I certainly wouldn't mind if it helps get rid of bots which still plague #twitter.

There is also speculation that twitter will integrate NFTs through tweets. Users are going to be able to use tweets to list NFTs that are for sale with the link directly to the marketplace which it is listed on. That sounds pretty cool. Lets watch this space...

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