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Meta Tattoo Club (MTC) going from strength to strength in the bear market

Is this the next blue chip in Solana?

The art is eye catching and the traits are interesting, however when you dig deeper into the project you start to realise why they are going from strength to strength. It is fair to say they have been one of the strongest projects to launch and grow during this bear market when Solana seems to be crumbling around us. Here are the reasons why.

The project details

There is lots to be gained from being a holder. How does the chance to be whisked away once a month to get a tattoo by world renowned artist Andreas Ishak in Sweden sound? Amazing. How about staking your NFTs to earn $INK which can already be sold on the FamousFoxes marketplace? Or you could use the $INK to level up your NFT and further increase its value. All captivating prospects that lure you in. The ideas are fresh and a breath of fresh air during a time when the NFT space in Solana really needed it. One look at their discord and you can see there is so much going on, with lots of thought put in to harnessing the power of the community and giving back.

On top of that they also run MTC Radio, weekly twitter spaces that keep you up to date and really cement the vision of the team. It’s the type of space NFT twitter has been lacking, full of positive vibes and excellent content.

The community

Strength, loyalty, and positivity is what really stands out about the MTC community. They have taken over the twitter NFT personal profile pictures in a short space of time. Once you join the community, you become addicted to the vibes and would stay for that alone. There is no toxicity among the members. The loyalty is cemented through their staking, 76% of MTC NFTs are staked. Furthermore, out of a collection of 8888 you will only find 287 listed at the time of writing on Magic Eden marketplace. And this number is dwindling day by day.

The future

MTC wants to be an established lifestyle brand. Not only has it become the pillar of the tattoo NFT community, but it could also soon become the pillar of the party and clothing community. Branding has been their strong point, with considerable substance behind it. When you hear them speak on twitter spaces, there is a real sense of a project that has a clear vision and presents a way to get there. Finding innovative ways give back to its holders and create real life utilities.

They seem to have found the recipe for building, likeable founders, excellent ideas and a loyal community. With that combination there seem to be no limits to what this project could potentially achieve. Watch this space.

You can find more details on the project on their website

DISCLOSURE - This is an opinion piece and not financial advice. Please do your own research before investing into any projects. -

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